List of earthquakes in Cuba

Cuba is located in an area with several active fault systems which produce on average about 2000 seismic events each year.[1] While most registered seismic events pass unnoticed, the island has been struck by a number of destructive earthquakes over the past four centuries, including several major quakes with a magnitude of 7.0 or above.
Approximately 70% of seismic activity in Cuba emanates from the Oriente fault zone, located in the Bartlett-Cayman fault system which runs along the south-eastern coast of Cuba and marks the tectonic boundary between the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate.[2] The 12 currently active faults in Cuba also include the Cauto-NipeCochinos and Nortecubana faults.[2] Destructive earthquakes originating from the Oriente fault occurred in 1766 (M_i=7.6), 1852 (M_i=7.2) and 1932 (M_s=6.75).[3] Some studies suggest there is a high probability the Oriente fault will produce a magnitude 7 earthquake in the near future.[4]


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