How to safely give your cat a bath

The bucket method

Cat Bath Bucket MethodThe the easiest and most calming way to bathe your cat is by using the bucket method. First, before even bringing your cat into the bathroom, make sure you have all the supplies together. You want to give your cat a bath as easily and as quickly as possible all while avoiding as much stress to your cat as possible.

You will need:
Pet aromatherapy candles (optional but will help to keep your cat calm)
Bucket of warm water
Sponge or wash cloth
Dawn dish detergent or cat shampoo

First light the pet aromatherapy candles if you decide to use them. These candles will help to keep your cat calm. Make sure you light them at least 5 minutes ahead of time to allow the scent to start to work.
You never want to turn on the faucet. The sound of running water will scare your cat. Follow the directions below using only the warm bucket of water that you prepared ahead of time.
Next sponge your cat with warm water. There's no reason to pour water on your cat at this point, and it will only scare her. I like sitting in the bathtub or on the floor with my cat on my lap. Yes, your clothes will get wet, but your cat will remain calm and you won't get all scratched up. Holding your cat, sponge and pet her at the same time.
Next take the shampoo and massage it into your pet.
After scrubbing your pet, take a plastic cup, and pour some water over top of the cat.
Rinse, the cat completely, then wrap him in a towel and dry him. Usually at this point, he will be purring.

Waterless Cat Shampoo

WaterlessUsing waterless cat shampoo is the least stressful bathing option for your cat. Your cat won't even realize that your grooming her. She'll just think that your giving her some loving. The problem with waterless cat shampoo is that I don't believe it gets your cat as clean as a bath with soap and water would. It works great for a quick clean, but if your cat is covered in fleas or got into the trash can, waterless shampoo is not going clean your cat well enough.

To use waterless cat shampoo, pump some of the foam into your hand. Rub it gently over your cat. She will think that you are just simply petting her. Keep rubbing it in covering her in it.. When you are done rubbing in all of the waterless shampoo, take a towel and rub it all off her. The dirt will go onto the towel with the foam. When she dries, she will be all nice and clean and smell great!


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